Donor Advised Funds

The 2nd Chance Thrift Store of Union County Fund

This donor-advised Fund was established in 2021 by Union County resident Tom McCarthy. The fund supports the 2nd Chance Charity Thrift Store and other charitable initiatives for the betterment of Union County and its residents.

Ann Davis Fund For Charitable Donations

This donor-advised fund was generously established by Ann L. Davis to support worthwhile and deserving causes and projects in and around Union County.

Applegate Family Charity Fund

This donor-advised Fund was established by Union County residents Dr. David and Dr. Mary Applegate in 2021. The fund supports community organizations, projects, and initiatives for the betterment of the residents of Union County.

Cline Family Fund

This donor-advised Fund was established by Union County residents Mark & Cheryl Cline in 2021. The fund supports community organizations that provide services for the betterment of the residents of Union County.

Eagle’s Benevolence Charity Fund

This donor-advised fund was established in late 2003 and has been a major supporter of High School Athletics in Union County, as well as providing significant financial resources for Marysville’s Fire and Police departments and the Union County Sheriff’s department.

Elk’s Benevolent Fund

This donor-advised fund was initiated in 2003, to support many local groups including the Community & Seasoned Citizens group, the Military Family Support Group, the American Legion Post 79, Marysville Athletic Association, Law Enforcement Memorial as well as many others.

Gerten Family Foundation Fund

This donor-advised Fund was established by Union County residents Greg & Angelina Gerten and Family. The fund will support worthwhile and deserving causes and projects in and around Union County.

Impact 60 Fund

This fund will help support various initiatives in the county with a current focus on addressing the drug problems affecting the youth of Union County.

Lee Family Fund

This donor-advised fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Lutrelle Lee and family to support charitable causes and organizations in Union County.

Ryan J & Kristin K Lee Family Charitable Fund

This is an unrestricted donor-advised fund initiated by Ryan and Kristin Lee to “give back and pay forward.” This fund supports various local causes and projects.

Lewis Family Fund

The Lewis Family established a fund in order to benefit many causes dear to them and their community, especially the YMCA.

Marysville Moose Lodge Charity Fund

This fund originated in 2003 and has provided generous support for a wide variety of causes in Union County. Some of the many groups to receive funding are Softball/Baseball teams, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, A Special Wish Foundation, Care Train of Union County, and the YMCA.

McCarthy & Cox Cares Community Fund

This fund was established by McCarthy & Cox Retirement & Estate Specialists LLC. The Fund will support a broad array of diverse community needs as determined by a committee of Union County citizens.

The Jess and Josephine Mitchell Family Foundation Fund

This donor-advised fund was established in 2014 by Jim and Carolyn Mitchell, long-time residents of Union County. The Fund will support a myriad of causes and organizations as a way for the Mitchell Family to give back to and benefit the County they love so dearly.

Mosaic Fund

This fund was anonymously formed by a Marysville family. It supports a wide range of charitable causes and organizations.

Barbara and Roger C. Nicol Fund

This donor-advised fund was generously established by Barbara and Roger C. Nicol to support worthwhile and deserving causes and projects in and around Union County.

Perry Family Funds

The George Perry Family Fund and the Perry Family Charitable Fund were established by Union County resident George Perry to support various charitable causes throughout Union County.

The Red Chapel Concert Series Fund

This donor-advised Fund was established in 2021 by Union County Paul & Chelsea Melcher. The focus of the fund is to advance the cause of professional music performance in Union County.

J Carl & Jeanie Thiergartner Fund

The Thiergartners established this donor-advised fund to support various charitable causes including their local church.

The T & N Family Foundation Fund

This donor-advised fund was anonymously established by a charitably minded Marysville family to support worthwhile and deserving causes and projects in and around Union County.

Union County Foundation Anchor Fund

Donations enable the Union County Foundation to fund operations and unrestricted grants to local charitable programs.

Union County Foundation Founders Fund

Established in honor of the Foundation’s Founders and to recognize the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation, this fund supports the advancement of the Union County Foundation as an organization and in its role as a community leader.

The Union County Singsations Fund

This donor-advised Fund was established by Union County residents Susan Bunsold Wilson and William Bunsold in 2021. The intended and sole purpose of this Fund is to support the activities of the Union County Singsations which broadly advances the cause of musical performance in Union County.

Georgeann Vollrath Memorial Fund

This donor-advised fund memorializes a loving wife, mother, and grandmother who had a special place in her heart for children and parochial education. The fund supports scholarships to Trinity Lutheran School for children of financially challenged families.

Wirchanski Family Fund

This donor-advised Fund was established in 2021 by Union County supporter John Wirchanski. The intended purpose of this Fund is to provide for the benefit and beautification of Jerome Township.